From the first lesson to the Play Days, Shows and Parades. A lifetime of joy and learning!


Moments In Time!

When a young person takes lessons HERE, they don't just learn how to get on the horse, kick it to go and pull back on the reins to stop. They learn how to be a "Horseman". 

The horse is an "X" factor. It has a mind of its own, it moves around, or doesn't move at all. It spooks or won't like something. It has quirks. Whatever. The student learns to handle all that and more. In learning to deal with a large animal, they develope strength, determination and persistance. They learn to be calm in the face of excitement. They learn how to care for them. The right tools and tack, etcetera.

In dealing with trainers and other adults, they run into at the barn, they learn how to carry and handle themselves with adults and peers. Developing life long friendships and relationships. For young ladies, this helps with "The Boyfriend" thing. They love their horse and it loves them back, unconditionally. Also, if a 1000 lb. animal can't push them around, neither can peers or significant others!

If they help with other horses and students here, which they are encouraged to do, they learn time management, responsibility, accountability and leadership. We've seen them all be better students as a result. 

Learning to ride also teaches spatial awareness. In group lessons they learn to gauge distance, gas and brakes and lane changes to avoid other riders. All great things to know to make them better drivers when the time comes!

Gauge your child's passion level for it. If they really want to do it, write the check. You are literally investing in a better adult.

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